January 25, 2012

Hello World!

Who am I?

       As I said in my short description, I am an exchange student at ČVUT, Prague. I am in my final year of a Computer Science Bachelor degree. I'm intrested in learning and excelling in new technologies and use my education and experience to accomplish my goals. 
Currently I’m focused on cloud computing, distributed systems and web development based on Android platformI have experience in C, Java, SQL and Networking.

What is this blog about?

       During my thesis preparation I would like to share information about my progress and to describe step by step each milestone. Also I want to encourage everyone to give feedback and suggestions.


I would like to thank to my mentors Ing. Jan Sedivy, CSc. and Ph.D. Tomáš Bařina for their trust, time they will spend for regular consultations and willingness to share their rich experience.

I will describe in a further post the main idea of my project and the content of it.

P.S. It's not so simple as I thought to write a post, those few rows took me more than one hour. I will get used to it :).

"Keep It Simple, Stupid!"

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