April 10, 2012


Generalization of database schema is done for my system. Now an authenticated user can create through REST calls his own schema based on his preferences and interact with it.

Also a basic implementation of c2dm protocol is available. As a reminder c2dm is a protocol that will push notifications to client when something change on the server side.

For some of you who are interested on how to implement this on the server and the client, you can check this tutorial, is very useful and easy. It provides a simple example of getting the auth token from the c2dm servers, registering an android client to c2dm and exchange a message between client/server.

Next, I have to change the desktop web client as well and develop it based on functions that I've created.

Few days ago the first demo on Android platform was released. It is available here. I will appreciate any kind of feedback, I know that there are some bugs to fix, but the main functionalities are met. 

Let's point out again the main functionalities:
  1. The user can create a Gmail account if he doesn't have one already associated with the phone.
  2. Authenticate with it on the server side.
  3. View(GET) the current Tasks on the server(it there are any).
  4. Sync(GET) the client database with server database.
  5. Add(POST) a Task on the local database(Content Provider) and then on the server.
  6. Update(PUT) a desired Task, form the current list of available Tasks.
  7. Delete(DELETE) a Task.
The following pictures should clarify what I was describing:

Authorization of an account
Main Activity - RUD functions.

Create function

April 3, 2012

Low-Level Datastore API

I had to postpone the ACLs for a while and focus on a more important requirement. Until now my system offers data through REST architecture only for a single database schema, so it's time to make it more general and support any type of database structure based on user's preferences.

To achieve this I will use Java Low-Level Datastore API to work with the datastore, because it doesn't require a predefined schema and I can expose the service capabilities directly.

The datastore writes data in objects known as entities, and each entity has a key that identifies the entity. Entities can belong to the same entity group,which allows to perform a single transaction with multiple entities.

Let’s create an Entity representing the login information of an user.
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.KeyFactory;

String user    = "test@example.com"
String message = "Hello world!";
Date   date    = new Date();

Entity LoginInfo = new Entity("Login", user);
       LoginInfo.setProperty("date", date);
       LoginInfo.setProperty("content", content);
Above we defined an Entity with a raw constructor. We are passing two strings: the kind(or the name of the schema) and the key(or the unique identifier). Entities are typeless, so we can specify any string as a type. In fact the number of kinds is limited only by the number of kinds that we need, and as long as we don’t lose track of them, we could have many different kinds without having to create a class for each one. 

The key name is what we’ll use to retrieve user later on when we need him again. Think of it as a Map or Dictionary Key. 

Once we have an Entity object, we need to define the properties. In this example I defined the current authentication date and a welcome message as properties. Note that, again, we can define as many properties as we want.

After we construct the entity, we instantiate the datastore service, and put the entity in the datastore:
DatastoreService datastore = 
The low-level Java API provides a Query class for constructing queries for fetching and returning the entities that match the query from the datastore. Here is a simple example based on our code:
Query query = new Query("Login");
Iterator iterator = datastore.prepare(query)
    Entity person = iterator.next();

This code creates a new query on the Login entity, which returns an interator to a list of Entity objects.
On the following days based on this approach I will rewrite the entire API to meet the requirement.